
Plant Growth Enhancer

A new biological product that enhances the growth and vigor of plants for:

  • Greenhouse Ornamentals
  • Nursery Crops
  • Vegetable Transplants

The active ingredient is a strain of the naturally occurring soil bacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis that:

  • aggressively colonizes plant roots
  • produces plant growth compounds
  • shields against disease pathogens
Resulting in:
  • increased root and shoot growth
  • healthier, more vigorous plants
  • Improved quality
  • higher yield

AtEze is effective on all ornamental potted and bedding plants and vegetable transplants. Healthy, vigorous plants translate into higher quality and yield

For more information, please contact:
    Eric Pedersen, PhD
    Product manager
    Phone: (858) 716-0300
    FAX (858) 675-1662
    E-Mail: epedersen@ecosoil.com


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