microbes featured in the following programs
have shown efficacy in University and
field trials. These naturally occurring
microbes are offered in programs focused
on overall plant health and vigor. In
this way, the biological programs lessen
exclusive reliance on traditional chemistries.
Program - An integrated approach
to plant health that stimulates root growth,
hinders disease, and improves soil structure.
Recharge Program
- Azospirillum stimulates root
growth for earlier spring green up and
more efficient uptake of water and nutrients
Program - Deliminate and Bacillus
reduce soil sodium and improve soil structure
Overseed Program
(featuring Recharge) - Azospirillum
speeds the development of new seedlings
and makes them more resistant to stress.
Program - New golf courses benefit
from a combination of Azospirillum
for rapid seedling development, and Bacillus
to condition the soil
more information please contact:
Sowmya Mitra
BioJect Product Manager
Phone: (858) 716-3300
(858) 675-1662