
The CalJect® System

If your soil:
  • Contains a high percentage of sodium
  • Has a pH over 8 or under 5
  • Has crusting or excessive cracking after a rain or irrigation
  • Tends to puddle or is compacted
If your water:
  • Contains high amounts of bicarbonate
  • Has a Sodium Absorption
  • Ratio (SAR) greater than 4
  • Has a low-solute content
  • Tends to puddle or is compacted

...then you can benefit from the CalJect system.

The CalJect amendment system is designed to provide gypsum, which is universally accepted as an important product for maintaining soils. Gypsum has been applied primarily in the past through granular broadcasting. The CalJect system takes gypsum to the next level by utilizing soluble product. What this means is that gypsum is immediately available instead of having to wait 2-3 years.

The heart of the CalJect system is the 'Sparger'. Utilizing a specially designed manifold, water is percolated through gypsum and the resulting solution is drawn off and put into the irrigation system - all automatically, at the times you designate. The primary difference between this system and competitor's is the fact that only soluble gypsum goes into the irrigation system as opposed to 'suspended' gypsum. The benefit is that no insoluble material goes into the irrigation system and therefore no sand or other particles can damage the various components of the irrigation system.

The CalJect system is available for Golf course or Agricultural applications.

For more information please contact:
  EcoSoil Systems
  Phone: (619) 675-2592
E-mail: calject@ecosoil.com

Phone (858) 716-3300  Fax (858) 675-1662
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