The BioEnhancement Program offers an integrated approach that combines three strains of beneficial bacteria that work together to enhance the health and vigor of your turf: Spot-Less is an EPA approved biofungicide - Pseudomonas aureofaciens Tx-1. By secreting anti-fungal compounds, Spot-Less suppresses the growth of certain pathogenic fungi, including Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, and Pythium. Azospirillum colonize the surface of roots where they produce plant growth promoters. This stimulates root growth and the formation of root hairs, dramatically increasing the surface area available for absorption of water and nutrients. Bacillus help improve soil structure. These bacteria secrete polysaccharides which aid in soil aggregation and as a result, infiltration rates are improved. The BioEnhancement Program can bring you:
BioEnhancement is available through our BioJect and FreshPack programs.
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