is Recharge?
The Recharge Overseed Program combines:
w Beneficial Azospirillum microbes to
stimulate the development of new seedlings
w LEX, a microbial stimulant to ensure
optimal performance from the microbes.
A two-month Recharge Overseed Program
targeted to a golf course's overseed phase
provides your developing seeds and turf
with the energy they need to germinate
and establish a healthy root system. By
stimulating root development and growth,
Recharge increases the turf's uptake of
water and nutrients, resulting in:
Rapid germination
Improved coverage
Development of a healthy, extensive
root system
More vigorous seedlings
Greater efficiency from fertility
Opportunity for earlier opening
does it work? Azospirillum are beneficial
nitrogen-fixing bacteria that seek out
and colonize the surface of plant roots.
While there, they produce plant growth
promoters, specifically IAA (indole acetic
acid). This promotes the formation of
root hairs, dramatically increasing the
roots' surface area. Similarly, the overall
root mass and density increase, allowing
for improved uptake of water and nutrients.
This creates a more vigorous, healthy
turf plant that develops more quickly
and that is better able to withstand negative
environmental pressures.
Consider the possibility...
If Recharge allows your course to open
one day earlier than planned, look at
the benefit:
extra day of play, assuming
- A MODEST greens fee of $50.00 per person
- A SLOW day of 20 foursomes
Translates to $4,000.00 in revenue!
consider if your course opens 2 days earlier....
or 3 days.... or more....
is available through the BioJect