

" Pseudomonas was distributed automatically through the irrigation system. We found excellent suppression of Pythium, Dollar spot, and anthracnose. The BioJect will continue as a base to our disease management program."
Dan Dinelli, Superintendent
North Shore Country Club, Glenville, IL
BioJect customer since May, 1995
Pseudomonas program

" Bonita Golf Course was the first BioJect installation 5 years ago. My well water averages 2,000-3,000 ppm sodium. The BioJect has been a vital part of my sodium management program."
Bob Scribner, C.G.C.S.
Bonita G.C., Bonita, CA
BioJect customer since May, 1991
Sodium Management Program

"1999 was a tough year but we only had to spray fairways and tees three times - one ounce of Bannerâ in June, July, and August. We installed a BioJect system in Spring 1999 and applied Spot-LessTM (Tx-1) through the irrigation system every time we watered. I wanted to reduce the number of chemical sprays we were doing due to the fact we have a number of adjoining homes and an abundance of wildlife, without sacrificing the quality of our turf."

Paul Reising, C.G.C.S.
Prestwick Village Golf Club Highland, Michigan

"During our first summer with the BioJect, we reduced fungicide use 25%, and 1995 was a tough summer. We were using the Pseudomonas organism developed by Dr. Joe Vargas and Michigan State University and plan to continue its use each season."
Sean Remington, Superintendent
Chevy Chase Country Club, Chevy Chase, MD
BioJect customer since June, 1995
Pseudomonas Program

"When compared with other grow-ins I've been involved in, the seedlings seemed to be much more vigorous and aggressive. The turf filled in very quickly. I feel that the Azospirillum bacteria [Recharge program] really made a difference. Golf is a game. It's also a business. If we can grow the course in more quickly, we can open and generate revenues more quickly. I feel the BioJect has helped us do that."
Jeff Parks Vice President of Agronomy Treadwell Golf Associates
Southgate, Michigan

"After we washed the soil off of the plugs taken from untreated and [FreshPack Recharge] treated area, there were drastic differences in the root systems. I was very impressed with the root system form the treated areas. The root systems were more dense, had a bright white color and had good strength when stretched."
Todd Biegger, CGCS
Providence Country Club
North Carolina

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