
1999 XPo Program for Biocontrol of Poa annua


XPo is shipped with an icepack. The product must be kept refrigerated (or on ice) from the time of arrival until it is used. If customer plans to apply product on Monday, schedule to have the product arrive on Friday and refrigerate over the weekend. Remove the product from the shipping container before placing in the refrigerator, otherwise overheating and death of the bacteria may result.


  • Product must be applied at a minimum frequency of once per week.
  • Application in,the evening is recommended to prevent desiccation. The second best choice is very early morning.
  • Once applied, performance of the Xanthomonas is temperature dependent. Temperatures over 70F will accelerate response. Best results are seen when daily high temperatures are between 75 to 90F in the 4-6 weeks following application.


  • For every acre to be treated, one gallon of XPo should be diluted with 100 gallons water in a boom spray tank.
  • The pH of the water in the spray tank should be around 7.0 to 7.6. 
  • Use municipal water to prepare spray solution.
  • Product must be applied separately from other materials. Do not tank mix with fertilizer of other pesticides.
  • Studies have not shown detrimental effects from use of fertilizers or most pesticides. Do not tank mix.


  • XPo must be sprayed prior to mowing in order to introduce a wound. The wound enables Xanthomonas to penetrate into the xylem vessels of the plant.
  • Turf must be mowed immediately after application. If the Xanthomonas dries, infection of the Poa will not occur and the product will be ineffective.
  • XPo should be applied to dry tissue. If dew is present, use a dew-whip or apply a light syringe cycle to knock the dew off of the turf. Best results are obtained if turf is not mowed the day prior to application. This introduces a greater number of infection sites into the turf. Use only reel-type mowers to introduce infection sites. Riding or walking mowers may be used. Rate of infection in enhanced using groomers and/or brushes on mower units. Removal of clippings has no effect on Xanthomonas .


 Moisture: Keeping the greens fast and firm (on the dry side)    have shown good Xanthomonas activity.

Growth Regulators: Most growth regulators have shown a beneficial effect when applied in combination with XPo.

Recharge Application: XPo must not be applied on greens where Recharge has been applied prior to XPo application. Recharge stimulates root growth of Poa, and the plants become healthier which works against the effect of XPo.

Disease Management: A disease management program against dollar spot, Pythium, brown patch, and take all patch should be formulated, but summer patch and anthracnose may be allowed to actively infect Poa .

Overseeding: After XPo application the greens should be aggressively overseeded in order to cover the voids created with the death of Poa plants.

Herbicide Management: Use of a pre-emergence herbicide to prevent the germination of Poa seeds will help in controlling the Poa population.


Phone (858) 716-3300  Fax (858) 675-1662
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